Mamba'ul 'Ulum
Journal Title: Mamba'ul 'Ulum
ISSN (Print): 1858-1013
ISSN (Online): 2807-5862
DOI Prefix: 10.54090
Type of Peer-Review: Single-Blind
Frequency: Semi Annually -
AL HUKMU: Journal of Islamic Law and Economics
Journal Title: AL HUKMU: Journal of Islamic Law and Economics
ISSN (Online): 2963-9506
DOI Prefix: 10.54090
Type of Peer-Review: Single-Blind
Frequency: Semi Annually -
AL HAZIQ: Journal of Community Service
Journal Title: AL HAZIQ: Journal of Community Service
ISSN (Online): 2964-8262
DOI Prefix: 10.54090
Type of Peer-Review: Single-Blind
Frequency: Semi Annually -
Pawarta: Journal of Communication and Da'wah
Journal Title: Pawarta: Journal of Communication and Da'wah
ISSN (Online): 2986-2396
DOI Prefix: 10.54090
Type of Peer-Review: Single-Blind
Frequency: Semi Annually -
Al'Ulum Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Journal Title: Al'Ulum Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
ISSN (Online): 2964-7851
DOI Prefix: 10.54090
Type of Peer-Review: Single-Blind
Frequency: Semi Annually -
Proceeding of International Conference of Islamic Education
International Conference on Islamic Education hosted by Institut Islam Mamba'ul 'Ulum Surakarta and designed to pull together a number of critical andcontemporary issues for Islamic Education researchers, practitioners, policy makers to share and discuss.